
More on the hand drying issue

I just read a LCA that indicated a 3 times higher carbondioxide equivalent release by using normal paper towels compared to using a normal electric hand dryer.
Read more.

I also found an electric hand dryer that uses half the power for the heater and three times as much for the fan and also reduces the time for drying the hands by three.
Read more.

The specs of this dryer is in line with my earlier suggestion of increasing the fan speed and decreasing the heating power.


At January 16, 2006, Blogger AEnima said...

Thank you so much for the information. Obviously you know a great deal more about environmental issues that I do, that one was just one that always pluzzled me and bothered me in everyday life. Well... Who can we start bothering to produce those new dryers at higher speed, lower heat and get them efficiently made so they´ll be cheap in the market and bought? I have almost no time, but you reasearch the people and the jargon to use and I´ll find a comission of friends to write to them every single day!

At January 16, 2006, Blogger AEnima said...

By the way... you know I´m Elsa right, Nocas friend the "baby one"? and the Luigi Mario that signed the earlier post is my "johanzito", Luís :)

At January 16, 2006, Blogger AEnima said...

Another by the way... always read your blog... but half the times I don´t understand because is in sweedish and the other half I don´t understant anything about the subject... it´s very tecnical... so I don´t comment... I keep my mouth shut and try to learn something from you.. but hey, don´t think that you are alone, never!!!! Congratulations for the bold blog.

At January 16, 2006, Blogger Johan said...

hi elsa
yes i know who aenima and luigi mario really are :-)

as you noted at least one company already has "beauty" like that, but it can probably be enhanced a bit more with regards to the nozzle and ratio of heater/fan ratio.

how come so many nozzles are so close to the wall? they seem designed for really small hands ...

At January 17, 2006, Blogger AEnima said...

to be honest with you, I don´t see those dryers in many countries outside portugal... It´s almost a characterist of portugal that the WCs have blow driers for the hands... and you know that we are tinny small people compared to you swedish ! ehehehe :) Well... I don´t know really, I was just joking. I guess we ought to look at some hand drier catalogs and do a bit of lobbying ourselves.

At January 18, 2006, Blogger Lou said...

By the way i stukk have ny sideburns burnnned by those hand dryers...i like to wash my face...so what?

At January 18, 2006, Blogger Lou said...

...i stukkk..i still.. :D

At January 18, 2006, Blogger Lou said...

i suck in english :|

At January 19, 2006, Blogger Johan said...

well i guess getting burns from the hand dryer means that it is flawed. lack of control against overheating. you should sue the manufacturer! :-)

At January 19, 2006, Blogger Lou said...

You think that we are in Amercia where we can sue everyone for everything... we have to use our brains ;)

At January 19, 2006, Blogger Johan said...

today i sent an email to mediclinics that made the hand dryer in the public toilet at work. i asked if was possible to make hand dryer dry hands in 10 seconds without heating the air...

At January 20, 2006, Blogger AEnima said...

I could almost bet the secretary couldn't read english... either that or thought it was a joke.. that's the portuguese for you... I just hope you sent it to the internacional multinacional and not the portuguese factory.


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