
Boycott Coca Cola

That is what I feel like doing after reading the The Alternative Report on Coca Cola made by War on want.

In short Coca Cola is accused of draining precious water resources (and decreasing the water table), union busting including murdering union members, selling (giving?) toxic waste to farmers and selling soft drinks with toxins. Not where I live but in Latin America, India and South East Asia.

Does it seem to be outrageous?
Yes, it does!
So say NO to Coke whenever possible ... ie always ...

For more information on back side of the Coca Cola image:
War on want
India Resource Centre.org
Killer Coke - See also list of cola alternatives
Coke Watch.org

There actually is an organic alternative to Whole Earth Organic Cola. Although, as far as I know only available in the UK...


At November 27, 2006, Blogger shadows and clouds said...

i too am heartily against buying cocacola ...but watch out on the labels of several other soft drinks which have other names but are still produced by cocacola.

At November 27, 2006, Blogger Johan said...

i know. i think i read somewhere that coca cola has some 400 brands world wide ... i guess tap water and milk still still is out of their reach :-)

At November 30, 2006, Blogger shadows and clouds said...

in brittany last summer i found 'breizh cola', their own brittany make. and in italy there is now a fair trade cola made in brittany too. quite exciting, even though i don't particularly like cola! i have linked to you on my latest blog posting! thanks for your interesting postings and links! have a good day!

At November 30, 2006, Blogger Johan said...

making something similar to coca cola should be very easy, no? sugar, sugar colour, bubbles and water, and some flavourings. there are few options on wikipedia :-)

now the next step is organic cola. mainly the sugar. actually do coke need so much sugar? now it is ca 10%. i guess much of sugar is needed to "counteract" the sourness of the bubbles. still coke would probably not need much sugar at all...

thanks for the link!

have good day you too!


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