
Ecological, biological or organic production

There seems to be a very large discrepancy in the terminology of ecological production within the EU. Look at this list of specified terms for some of the EU-15 taken from EG/331/2000:

ES: Agricultura Ecológica
DA: Økologisk Jordbrug
DE: Biologisherlandwirtschaft or Ökologischerlandbau
EN: Organic Farming
FR: Agriculture Biologique
IT: Agricoltura Biologica
NL: Biologische Landbouw
PT: Agricultura Biológica
FI: Luonnonmukainen Maataloustoutanto
SV: Ekologiskt Jordbruk

Organic is a bit non-desript, is it not?
Note: synthethic pesticides are made with organic chemistry synthesis.

Of course anything from a farm that growths can do it because of biological processes.

The aim of this is to convey the usefulness of a production that takes into account ecological services and optimises impact the farm has on other ecological processes.

I guess you do not even have to guess which phrase I prefer...


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