
My score in the EDP self-test

Here are my answer to the answers to these questions about my environmental friendliness.

1. No, not enough insulation to keep the little heat "captured" at day time.
2. Yes, I dunno if it really helps.
3. Well, I would if I could, only windows on one side.
4. Yes, I put a timer on the heater in the bedroom.
5. Yes, of course.
6. Well, I would if I ever would buy one.
7. Well, I would if I ever would buy one.
8. Yes. But right now I am watching Mel and Smith :-)
9. Yes, only have one.
10. Yes.
11. Yes.
12. Yes, especially tea and a hot cup of chocolate in the winter.
13. Yes. But then I don´t eat much food from the freezer.
14. Yes.
15. No, at least never done that. Although I have checked that the temp is 6C in the fridge.
16. Well , don´t own a dish washer.
17. Yes, easy in the summer, not so easy in the winter.
18. Yes.
19. Yes, usually 40C for everything.
20. Yes.
21. Yes, bought one connecter to turn off all PC stuff in one go.
22. Yes, mainly dusting up behind the fridge and thawing the freezer regurlarly.
23. Doors and windows are in good, although not very insulating ... in Portugal there usually are wide cracks everywhere.
24. Yes, I usually go white.
25. Yes, I would if I owned my flat.
26. Yes.
27. Yes.
28. Yes, have replaced all normal bulbs.
29. Yes and No. Go by car to work far too often, but walk to often.
30. No, work is so close it takes longer to wait for the bus than walking.
31. Well, could be better, although I have started to use the engine to break.
32. Well, I don't have money to buy a car.
33. Well, whenever I figure how the air pumps in Portugal works. Very strange model. Not at all as obvious in design as in Sweden.
34. Yes.
35. Yes.
36. No, how do one keep a tap in good shape? I have no leaks yet in my flat.
37. Yes, I have put a filled soda bottle in the water tank.
38. Yes.
39. Yes, or I always print double sided. And often I print two sides on each page.

As you can see there are lots of cases in which the answer is no by default. Anyway, the sum is 28. So I can pat myself on my head :-)

There are seven "wells" ie I would have been given myself a higher score (35 out of 39) if I had put yes there. In a way a way that would be reasonable since that measure consumer behaviour. The test also assumes that I have bad equipment already that could be improved. But in my case that would mean buying machines I do not have not and thus increase my ecological footprint. Hmm ...


At December 16, 2006, Blogger shadows and clouds said...

i want to try this too!
have a good weekend!

At December 17, 2006, Blogger Johan said...

good luck and have a good weekend you too (although it is almost over now...)

the idea is not to get high scores (although that is good too) but to realise what in your daily life have a big ecological impact. for people that do the right thing in their travels the most important factor is the food they eat. the mileage of food can be quite impressive. do a search on google on "food mileage" or "the food mile".

see also this entry.


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